jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

exercise of Analysis on social movements exercise

                       Analysis on social movements

Qué son los movimientos sociales? | De Política 2.0 y otros demonios
Social movement

It refers to the feeling of having less than what we feel we deserve.

Klandermans points out that protest can only be understood as intergroup behavior that occurs in protest movements that involve conflicting discordance between ideas or ideologies of groups or organizations.

Context, place, date and historical data

A double movement is called a theory of mass society.

people are skeptical about the motivations of those involved in social movements.
were seen as irrational and dangerous dysfunctional,
and that people would only join because

the social movement provided a sense

in the 20th century, the era of Nazism, Fascism and Stalinism, which were social movements
resulting in the destruction of
millions of lives.

In the 1960s, scholars looked at him more in social movements,
especially after the civil rights movement,
that certainly did not simply arise
to satisfy a psychological need for participation.

One is the theory of relative deprivation, that they are oppressed or deprived of rights

that other people in your society enjoy.

La decada de los 60 y sus movimientos - YouTube

Process of deindividualization

for the social movement to be successful.
we have to know what people propose, the pros and cons of the courses of action
How long will they be on the move to succeed?
Those who try to do what is best for themselves, if they configure the behavior pattern in society.

You have to assume that all actions can be
for different

Social movements can even affect people in collective behavior like panic, where people's fear and panic get out of control.

Progress or results from the movement.

people start to organize,
To join a group and rise in power, The greatest achievement of a social movement will be to be successful in changing its host society, or else it will have to adapt.
in the end, they become part of the bureaucracy

A successful social movement eventually
it is absorbed in the institutions when it has achieved the desired changes.

culture and society is formed in a movement
In their time, each of the social movements they mention in the apparently extreme video, Now, we don't think twice
that the right that everyone has to freedom and equality.

Today's social movements are different, you act and you're ready. In most cases, you will fall and lose if you don't have the strength to demand

The civil rights movement created a more , in which people of all races, ethnicities, and genders increasingly enjoy legal equality.

6 retos que plantean los movimientos sociales al voluntariado ...

martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

students eating habits

the eating habits the students 

currently students do not have adequate food as an example

Resultado de imagen de malos habitos alimenticios
    Resultado de imagen de malos habitos alimenticios
  1. They don't eat breakfast
  2. Drink a lot of soft drinks, even if they are lights
  3. Not drinking enough water
  4. Consuming alcoholic beverages
  5. eat a lot of fat
  6. they don't eat vegetables or fruits
  7. eat a lot of spice, they eat a lot of bread A clear example is to believe that wholemeal bread is fattening less than white bread, but the truth is that both have the same amount of calories, the only difference is that wholemeal bread contains much more fiber.

these are the healthy habits that we must include diary

    Resultado de imagen de malos habitos alimenticios y buenos habitos alimenticios
  1. Consume Fruits and Vegetables
  2. Control low-fat food portions
  3. Eat slowly and chew food well
  4. Avoid junk food
  5. eat fiber-rich foods
  6. Do not snack between meals
  7. Do not abuse fried foods and sausages
  8. Do not smoke before consuming a food at the beginning of the day
  9. Drink water. Water is vital to maintain good hydration of the body. The amount to be consumed varies depending on the level of activity, temperature, complexion, among other factors; but approximately two liters of water is the minimum necessary to maintain adequate hydration.

                                Resultado de imagen de malos habitos alimenticios y buenos habitos alimenticios

martes, 3 de marzo de 2020


Conflict in a company:

Context of the Conflict: This conflict occurred in a branch of Scappino located in the square of northern tip, Scappino is a casual and formal clothing store, in this store garments are handled with a high cost so that sometimes ATMs make mistakes , as we told in the following conflict.

Resultado de imagen de conflicto con tu jefeCharacters in the conflict: -Juan the cashier -The boss -The client

 On one occasion, when Juan was working at the cashier of the Scappino store, he made the mistake when it came to charging a customer's fault, Juan was underpaid he had to collect $ 10,000 but the amount he dialed was $ 1,000. This caused his boss to scold him, after this forced him to go to the customer who had already left the store. Juan did not find it but fortunately he had his client's cell number, so they located and indicated such an error. The client was told that if he could go back to the store to clarify the case, since if there is no correction Juan will have to pay this error. The client accepted and returned to the store and the altercation was changed, he agreed to pay the rest not before saying that he did not make a mistake again because no people are honest.

 Conflict and Problem

The problem that arose was that the seller did not pay enough attention when marking the product that the customer was taking however they were able to solve the problem thanks to the honesty and sencibility of the customer

 Type of conflict

the lack of concentration on the worker was quite bad, such errors do not usually bring irremunerable conflicts and t on the part of the boss and the buyer their reactions were not negative
Conflict theory

It is conflictive: because it was a big mistake that the seller had in the service store where those mistakes in other places are unforgivable
Conflict process

It is in stage lV since the behavior of both parties was adequate to make a decision on how to solve the problem reacted immediately

stage v because in the end they obtained a result in which the appropriate amount that the seller needed for being distracted was given

It is very important that we have communication with the people we work and at the moment that happens we know how to take this kind of situations and conflicts in general

martes, 11 de febrero de 2020


In this work we were able to learn the different types of conflicts and on which each one is based, in addition to that because they occur.

some of them are very interesting since they exist from the most senses to governmental conflicts.

On the other hand, talking about the app in which we carry out the work is very interesting since you save time and you can interact with your team, this facilitates the work and saves time, and it is very father to edit and put your own design.

Resultado de imagen de CONFLICTO DE INFORMACION


lunes, 10 de febrero de 2020

samply entry



Situation that occurs when there is a difference of ideas between two or more parties. Unlike the conflict, the parties are aware of the need to find a solution: feelings are not involved and communication between the parties always remains open and active.


Stage superior to the problem that arises when the parties that maintain a difference involve feelings in the situation and the communication or is lost or is very poor. The resolution of conflicts usually requires a third party to exercise the role of mediator and help restore communication between the parties found, in order to find a solution.


Most conflicts occur due to lack of communication, personality clashes, competitiveness: It is common for many companies to pay their employees based on the achievements. And while some companies distribute commissions among the members of a team, others reward employees individually: depending on the sales or objectives set, it is a person who receives the commission


because it makes it more enjoyable and more reliable to work with people who know how to identify and have strategies within an organization where they join the company and solve problems



the differences of a conflict and a problem


identify the problem and have solutions


solve problems without difficulty making the right choice



Resultado de imagen de problema y conflicto en area laboral

jueves, 6 de febrero de 2020



in México  can reange from a simple cup of coffe to a huge spread featuring, huevos rancheros and popular breakfast foods incluide sweet beads, tropical fruits, toast, granola ad yogurt 
in mexico lunch the tacos is the food, the drinks tequila 

there is a general expectation placed upon Mexicans to be loyal and committed to their family by putting the interests of the family above their own.

The family also forms the basis for many people’s social circles. Mexicans are generally very close with the extended relatives from all different generations. They tend to mix and socialise a lot.

I never eat tropical fruit